
EDITORIAL PRINCIPLES was born as an idea in 2000 when a group of journalism, technology and business professionals came together to create an Aragonese Communication project in the field of the Social Economy. That first company was precisely named Aragón Digital, today the parent company of GRUPO ARAGÓN DIGITAL,   which includes two other SMEs that operate in the Communication sector.

After months of development and testing, as a digital newspaper we published the first news at the beginning of 2001, taking advantage of the unlimited opportunities that the Internet seemed to offer to professional and independent journalism from the powers that until then dominated the sector. Although opportunities have been limited over the years and the dominant powers remain practically unchanged, our editorial principles were and continue to be based on two pillars: professionalism and independence, because one cannot be understood without the other.

Since our origin, we have adopted as our own the Deontological Code of the Profession that was so accurately expressed black on white by the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain:

With this Code we have always wanted to keep in mind its first commitment, which could not be other than respect for the truth, being aware that to exercise our right to inform we must respect the rights of others.

Because the Right to Freedom of Expression included in Article 20 of the Constitution: also implied a great responsibility.

As a media outlet concerned with local issues, we seek to inform our Community of everything that may interest them and that is often not adequately addressed by state media. And we do it in Aragon and outside our borders, moving where the news is produced or thanks to our partners, correspondents and collaborators, because a newspaper is a collective project in which everyone is necessary and none of them are essential.

Since our birth we have demonstrated transparency, both in our professional and business aspects, with our doors always open Aragon+Digital+SL/ @41.6536531,-0.8809655, 17z/ data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xd5914edc6763671: 0x210495643e7bc7d2!8m2! 3d41.6536491!4d-0.8787768 to everyone who has wanted to know how we work or how it is possible that an editorial project like ours can survive for so many years while maintaining 100% of the ownership in the hands of worker-partners. Because the importance of economic issues in an editorial project is no less important, since, when a crisis enters the door of a media outlet, journalists are usually thrown out of the windows. And without economic independence, which in our case comes from a wide variety of clients, journalistic independence is impossible.

These editorial principles have set the path for a long-term project that is socially responsible in business. Aragón Digital’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (PDF) and impartial in terms of information, which defends cultural diversity and equality of all human beings. On this path we are being recognized with the daily follow-up of thousands of readers who dedicate to us the most valuable thing that every person has: a few minutes of their life.