In 2024 the Zaragoza Aquarium welcomed a total of 105,000 visitors, reaching figures similar to those of 2019, when it recorded a record number of visitors. The Aquarium has thus established itself as an educational and
tourist reference point for the city, being the most visited paid facility in Zaragoza with the aim of educating people to conserve biodiversity.
“At school level, 15,000 students have visited us throughout the course: 2,000 have attended environmental education workshops and 1,000 have been able to access the facilities,” says the Zaragoza Aquarium.

As a result of the collaboration agreement between Zaragoza City Council and the Zaragoza Aquarium Foundation, many activities have been developed with different departments; among them, with the Department of Youth, the Department of Environment and Mobility or the Area of Citizen Participation and Internal Regulations.
Furthermore, the Zaragoza Aquarium, through its foundation, has developed various programmes with the Government of Aragon, in particular with the Biodiversity Service of the Department of Environment and Tourism.
Another of the pillars of the Zaragoza Aquarium Foundation for Biodiversity is Education and training. Thus, the 1st Edition of the “Master of Continuing Education in Comprehensive Management, Well-being and Veterinary Medicine in Aquariums and Zoos of the 21st Century” has been taught, co-directed by the FAZB together with the European University of Madrid (in October 2024 we will begin the 2nd Edition).
The subject “Biodiversity. River and marine ecosystems” and various classes and seminars have been taught with the Universidad Sénior de San Jorge.

The practical training of students is also one of the foundation’s aims. Throughout 2024, the Aquarium has had 20 students doing internships from both public and private, national and international centres from Zaragoza, Huesca, Madrid, Tarragona, Reunion Island, etc. As a result of these stays, 3 TFM have been presented at UNIZAR and UEM, and a TFG at the University of Zaragoza.
One of the most popular activities and the one that is best received by aquarium enthusiasts is the Aquariophilia Days. Meeting of Groups and Associations (JAEGA), which in 2024 celebrated its 7th Edition, in which more than 140 people participated. The 8th edition will be held on March 1 and 2, and registrations are already full.
All these activities have been carried out thanks to the establishment of more than 40 agreements with different public and/or private, national and/or international institutions.
Last year, several improvements were made that help the sustainability of the Aquarium, such as the installation of photovoltaic panels and efficient water pumps, which will considerably reduce the building’s energy consumption.